Operation Guide for Launch Remote Activation

For Launch SmartLink C Activation
Main steps:
Register->Login->Issue remote diagnostic request-> Wait for acceptance from technician
1.Log in http://smartlink.x431.com/

2.Select user type (Common user)

3.Fill in the registration information incl. username, E-mail, verification code, and password.

4.The binding and activation of the C-side, the serial number and activation code of the C-side are entered here.

5.Enter the card number and password of the Smartlink C activation card.

6.Enter vehicle information, contact information, etc. to submit an appointment.

7.When choosing service technician, try to choose a service provider that you are familiar with.

8.Wait for the service provider to contact you to negotiate the processing time, etc.

For X431 SmartLink B Activation
Main steps:
Register->Log in->Accept remote diagnostic request
1.Visit http://smartlink.x431.com to register
2.Select user type (Service provider)
3.Input your email address, verification code (received from email), password, product Serial Number and Activation code (pasted as “S/N” and “A/C” on the rear side of Smartlink C device)

4.After registration, you can log in to the platform below

If you have more Smartlink devices, you can click “Add a device” on this page, and then input product serial number and activation code:

5.You can check the request details and accept one that you can fix.